Bodegas Ruchel

The company was created in 1989 under the social name of MAJLU, S.L.; having as trade reference RUCHEL. In 2006 the corporate name change to BODEGAS RUCHEL, S. L. The Winery is managing by López Ferrer family, the family also holds the Commercial Department.

The winemaster and responsible of viticulture is Luciano Amoedo Rodiño.

Land, tradition and legacy

Ferro, granite and slate

Our Vision

BODEGAS MAJLU S.L. were created following the philosophy of producing wines of excellent quality in one of the areas with more wine future projection: the Denomination of Origin: Valdeorras. All the hard work gave its first results in 1990, that year the company sold around nine thousand bottles of best quality white godello wine. In the year 1998 our wine company expanded with the goal to create and commercialize red wine. We hoped to begin with a production of fifteen thousand bottles, but our cellars were prepared, once the expansion reforms were finished, to produce one hundred and thirty thousand red wine bottles.In 2010 another facilities expansion was done and the company was capable to produce the double  From 2010 we will produce around two hundred fiftythousand bottles of the Godello and Mencía varieties.

In 2003 Godello fermented in barrel is made and at the end of 2007 hits the market the Mencía aged in oak barrels. A few years later, in 2012, 100% Grenache, aged in barrel characterized by a fairly marked Atlantic features it is made.

During all this years BODEGAS MAJLU have continued with the central idea of producing top-quality wines, to achieve this we take great care of the grapes in the vineyards, no adding any harmful additives. We take special care during the grape harvest waiting for the right moment to proceed with a careful and gentle elaboration of the wine. All this emphasis on the idea of sustainability of our wines: we take care the land looking the future , working with people and companies in our area, avoiding extra packaging and non-recyclable components and trying to minimize our environmental footprint.

At the present time BODEGAS MAJLU finds itself in a process of growing. The wine cellars commercialize the following good quality marks, all of them under Valdeorras Denomination of Origin: Ruchel y Ruchel Secretos.




Year established under the corporate name of MAJLU, S.L.


Efforts give their first results in that year about nine thousand bottles of white wine quality were sold


Expansion of the winery, in order to develop and commercialize red wines.


It begins to develop Godello fermented in barrel


From this year an average of 200,000 bottles of wine from the Godello and Mencía varieties are produced


A change of corporate name was made BODEGAS RUCHEL, S.L.


It hits stores Mencía aged in oak barrels.


Hits the market Garnacha aged in barrels


Relocation of facilities

25Stainless steel Tanks
400000Litres capacity
3Brands in the market
3Grape variety in the market